Third prize in the Covid Behavioural Challenge

Jari Hoogstins (Researcher at ECRi), Emiel Maasland (Managing Director of ECRi) and Inge Merkelbach (Academic Researcher at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) have won the third prize in the Covid Behavioural Challenge!
Franziska Weber joins ECRi as an Academic Director

We are happy to announce that as of 2 November 2020 Prof. Dr. Franziska Weber, LL.M. will join ECRi as an Academic Director. Franziska Weber is an Associate Professor in Law and Economics (with tenure track) at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
ECRi’s Academic Director Prof. dr. Jarig van Sinderen passed away

It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Jarig van Sinderen. As Academic Director of our institute, he played an important role in the relaunch of ECRi.
Committee investigating the Waste Energy Company (AEB) presents its report

In 2019, the Mayor and Aldermen of Amsterdam set up a three-member independent committee to investigate the situation of the ailing Waste Energy Company (AEB). Elbert Dijkgraaf was a member of this committee.
The Advisory Committee on the Nitrogen Problem presents its report to the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

The Advisory Committee on the Nitrogen Problem (Adviescollege Stikstofproblematiek) presented its report to the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Elbert Dijkgraaf, Academic Director at ECRi, was a member of this committee.
ECRi has conducted a literature study into quality improving measures in the accountancy sector

In this study commissioned by the Commissie Toekomst Accountancysector, eighteen measures are studied. Only nine of these measures have (some) empirical evidence in the international scientific literature.
Elbert Dijkgraaf and Emiel Maasland have won The Energy Journal Campbell Watkins Best Paper Award

The IAEE’s Energy Economics Education Foundation instituted a Best Paper Award for the paper designated as the most outstanding of the papers published in The Energy Journal the previous year.